

DECIDE to be Well…

Learn how to empower yourself and take control of your health. We will assist you in examining your limited beliefs on health while showing you how to formulate a successful goal and a thorough plan of action.

4 hour class guides to design a personal, proactive strategic plan of action for YOUR wellness. Class is followed up by twice -monthly support groups to help you keep on keeping on. We are getting rave reviews from participants re: improvements and change. Easy and fun class, very affordable. $50 includes your manual. Support Groups are $10.

This class was over a year in the making by professionals in health care and education. We are so thrilled to bring this program to you.

DECIDE to be well

ELEVATE your health status

CHANGE your beliefs and perceptions

IDENTIFY your intervention plan

DAILY IMPLEMENT of your plan

EVALUATE and track your progress

We hope YOU Decide to be Well too!

Hosted monthly by Patti Lombardo, Owner of Illumin8 Reiki Master, and Suzanne Brooks, RN Reiki Master